阿拉伯语的辅修-供希望辅修阿拉伯语的学生使用, 这是一系列五门课程:阿拉伯101, 102, 201, 202, 和301年, 旨在培养语言技能 and to give an appreciation of Arab culture and civilization. In addition, students are required to take either ARAB 224, 225, 226, or LING 101. 语言学概论, or a course in the Middle East studies of the International Studies Program. 对于未成年人,最多只能申请一个转学学分. Students must earn a minimum of C- for all courses counted toward the minor.

要选修阿拉伯语,请联系Kifah Hanna教授. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of Middle Eastern culture are referred to the Middle East studies concentration.

中文的副修-students who do not wish to major in 中国人 Plan B can minor in 中国人. 辅修中文的学生除了中文101还要修五门课程. 五门课程中必须有一门是INTS/ chin237. The other four courses should be chosen from CHIN 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 401, 421, and 422. The minor will include an additional half credit of academic work to be fulfilled in one of the following three ways:

  • a .5 跨课程语言 单位(请参阅 跨课程语言 (列于本署各项目录之首). 在国外修过的课程可以算作 跨课程语言 经顾问同意的单位.
  • a one-semester teaching assistantship (via enrollment in CHIN 466 for a half credit)
  • a .5 integrating paper (via enrollment in CHIN 399 for a half credit)

对于未成年人,最多只能申请一个转学学分 in 中国人. 为了顺利完成辅修, students must achieve a grade of B or above in the highest level language course or pass the proficiency test administered by the language concentration coordinator.

如需副修中文,请与沈教授联系. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of Asian cultures are referred to the Asian studies interdisciplinary minor.

法语的副修-对于希望辅修法语的学生,这是一个5的序列.5 credits beyond FREN 102 旨在培养语言技能 and to give an appreciation of Francophone culture and civilization. 五门法语必修课程必须包括FREN 281. 会话法语:时事,可以包括, 但不限于, 朋友251, 252, 或者300级的法语课程. 额外的 .5 credit can be achieved through the French Film Festival course (with written work done in French), 或者另一门1学分的法语课程. A maximum of one course taught in English under the 语言文化研究 rubric may be counted toward the minor. No more than one transfer credit taken in a program other than Trinity-in-Paris may be applied to the minor.

To declare a minor in French, contact Karen Humphreys, Jean-Marc Kehrès, or Sara Kippur. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of Francophone culture are referred to the French studies interdisciplinary minor.

德语的辅修-为希望辅修德语的学生而设, this is a sequence of six German courses 旨在培养语言技能 and to give an appreciation of the culture and civilization of German-speaking countries. 德语辅修课程包括GRMN 101, 102, 201, 202, 任何200级的英语授课课程, 任何300级GRMN课程. 对于未成年人,最多只能申请一个转学学分. 德国的研究 requires a C or higher for a course to count toward the minor.

要选修德语,请联系约翰内斯·伊夫林教授. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of German culture are referred to the German studies interdisciplinary minor.

在专业上, 还有德语小调, students must demonstrate oral and written proficiency by earning the minimum grade of B in one 300-level GRMN course.

现代希伯来语的辅修词-为希望辅修现代希伯来语的学生而设, 五门希伯来语课程的顺序:HEBR 101, 102, 201, 202, 和301年, 旨在培养语言技能. To give a more profound and broader appreciation of Israeli culture and civilization, students must take a 跨课程语言 unit as well as either JWST 220. 现代以色列文学和犹太遗产或JWST 229. 以色列艺术与文化. 对于未成年人,最多只能申请一个转学学分.

要宣布未成年人在希伯来语,联系讲师阿迪卡茨. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of Jewish culture are referred to the Jewish studies interdisciplinary minor.

辅修西班牙研究希望辅修西班牙语研究的学生至少需要5门.5 credits at the HISP 221 level and beyond to develop linguistic skills and to incur a deeper understanding of Spanish and Latin American culture and civilization.

5.5 credits (at the HISP 221 level and beyond) must be distributed in the following ways:

If a student studies abroad in a Spanish-speaking country, the student must take:

  • 博彩平台网址大全(哈特福德)四门课程, 必须包括一门hsp 26x级别的文化课程, 他270年, 以及一次HISP 300级别的研讨会;
  • one course abroad taken in Spanish and on a topic related to Hispanic cultures; and
  • HISP 290:在西班牙语世界研讨会上学习(0).5学分)

如果学生没有在西班牙语国家留学, 学生必须至少修满5学分,学分分配如下:

  • 5个学分达到或高于HISP 221水平, 其中必须包括至少一门文化课程(26X水平), 他270年, 至少参加一次300级的研讨会.
  • 一个0.5 credit internship with a 哈特福德-area organization that works with the local Hispanic community, 或者是第二次300级的研讨会.

No course in English under the language and culture studies rubric can be counted toward the course total. No more than two transfer courses (taken abroad or at another institution) may be applied to the minor.

To declare a minor in Hispanic studies, contact any Hispanic studies faculty member.

意大利语的辅修-供希望辅修意大利语的学生使用, this is a sequence of six courses designed primarily to develop linguistic skills and an appreciation of Italian culture and civilization. 这些课程包括, 但不限于, 语言习得课程(ital101), 102, 201, 202), 意大利228年. 意大利语言与社会,以及文学概论课程. 与副顾问协商, 达里奥·德尔·普波, students may also count culture and civilization courses taught in English if they do a significant amount of the course work in Italian. 除了这六门课程,学生还必须完成一项 .跨课程语言5个学分.

要选修意大利语,请联系达里奥·德尔·普波教授. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of Italian culture are referred to the Italian studies interdisciplinary minor.

辅修日语-供希望辅修日语的学生使用, this is a sequence of six courses 旨在培养语言技能 as well as a basic understanding of 日本 culture and society. 这六门课程应选自日语101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302, 411, 412, 日本234, 日本236年, 或日本238. 澄清一下, 最多选修一门英语课程, 如日本234, 日本236年, or 238, 能算作六门必修课吗. 对于未成年人,最多只能申请一个转学学分.

To declare a major or minor in 日本, contact Lecturer Katsuya Izumi. Students interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to the study of Asian cultures are referred to the Asian studies interdisciplinary minor.

辅修俄语-the minor in 俄罗斯 develops linguistic skills as well as an appreciation of 俄罗斯 culture and civilization. 学生们选修六门俄语课程. In exceptional circumstances and with consent of the faculty adviser for the minor, up to two of these courses may be replaced by a course in English on 俄罗斯 culture.

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